Vullo, R., Cappetta, H., and Néraudeau, D. 2007. New sharks and rays from the Cenomanian and Turonian of Charentes, France. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52 (1): 99–116.
New or so far poorly known neoselachians from the Cenomanian and Turonian of SW France are described. The material studied herein comes from nine localities in the Charentes region, comprising palaeoenvironments ranging from coastal to open marine environments, and consists of two orectolobiforms, six lamniforms, and four rajiforms. The new taxa are Squalicorax coquandi sp. nov. and Roulletia bureaui gen. et sp. nov. within lamniforms, and Hamrabatis bernardezi sp. nov., Archingeayia sistaci gen. et sp. nov., and Engolismaia couillardi gen. et sp. nov. within rajiforms. New specimens of Odontaspis rochebrunei Sauvage, 1880 from the type area allow redescription of this taxon, assigned herein to the genus Cenocarcharias. Occurrences of Squalicorax baharijensis, S. cf. intermedius, and Archaeolamna sp., previously unrecorded from this region, and Almascyllium, a genus generally described from younger strata, are also noted, and improve knowledge of mid−Cretaceous selachian faunas from Western Europe.
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