
Discussion: 21 518 14 Dernière réponse

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Dimanche prochain,Paul Sereno va commencer une nouvelle expedition en Sahara pour trouver des nouveaux fossilles, comme il avait fait dans les années 90,et veut trouver des autres skelettes de Nigersaurus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Et cette Expédition va être diffusée sur internet!!!!!!

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Dinodoc y va avec.....je crois.

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C'est quoi l'adresse du site ?

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ça c'est le probleme, je ne sait pas

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Je crois, si je ne m'abuse, sur: www. msnc.com
(suis pas sur)

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C'est pas sa, mais c'est dommage que ça fonctionne pas.

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Nope, I am not going. I am part of another Niger expedition (hopefully later on this year) and have my own dinosaur project in Morocco to worry about,



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Ok good luck for your Niger expedition

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Goog luck !

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Goog luck !

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Yep, good luck on your travels Nizar; hope you find a Spinosaur.

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Thanks a lot to all of you, very kind.
Unfortunately it is close to impossible to find near complete skeletons in the Kem Kem beds, which is where I want to look for Spinosaurus, material. But who knows, I might be lucky.


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PS: In Niger it will be much easier, but I am not going there to look for Spino material. We are planing to excavate a Jobaria-like animal, that has already been found over a year ago. And whatever we find around it.


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Ok is good a jobarian