Diabloceratops eatoni- J. I. Kirkland & D. D. Deblieux - New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum Ceratopsian Symposium. Indiana University Press, Bloomington - 117-140
Dakotadon lakotaensis[nomen nudum ← Iguanodon lakotaensis] - PAUL Gregory S. - <- Iguanodon lakotaensis - Cretaceous Research - (In Press, Accepted Manuscript)
Daanosaurus zhangi- YE Y., GAO Y.-H., & JIANG S. - Vertebrata PalAsiatica - v.43, n?3, p.175-181
Cryptovolans pauli[nomen dubium = Microraptor gui] - CZERKAS S.A. et al. - = Microraptor gui - Flying dromaeosaurs: In: Feathered Dinosaurs and the origin of flight, edited by Sylvia J. Czerkas, The Dinosaur Museum Journal - vol.1, p.97-126